Special Note: We are now meeting regularly via Zoom. Updates will be posted on this page-or email us for more info at: twiningvineszen@gmail.com   

Regular Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00-8:30 PM

Saturday, 8:00-10:00 AM

Tuesday/Thursday evening: Zoom opens at 6:45. Two periods of zazen, beginning at 7, with kinhin/stretching in between, followed by one period of short talk/discussion, chanting to end. Please email us for info on Book Discussion group info.

Saturday morning: Zoom opens at 7:45. Two periods of zazen beginning at 8, with kinhin/stretching, followed by morning chanting service and work practice and/or Dharma Talk. Please email us for detailed instructions and Zoom information.


Zazen (seated meditation,) the heart of Zen practice, integrates body, breath, and mind, allowing us to enter into deep silence and stillness moment after moment. Kinhin (walking meditation) is the practice of meditation in activity, coordinating our breath with the movement of our feet and connecting our body firmly to the ground.


Besides zazen and kinhin, we also study the dharma (Buddhist teachings), participate in services of chanting and bowing, and share community meals and work practice together. All of these activities encourage and develop our ability to meet each moment of our everyday lives with attention and kindness.


For meditation, loose comfortable clothing that modestly covers arms and legs is most suitable. Cushions and chairs are provided for sitting. As a courtesy, please arrive ten or fifteen minutes before the beginning of meditation or other sangha activities.


Check Calendar page for activities following this schedule, and for one-day retreats and sesshin.